An audio blog with Yealand Conyers resident Robin Greaves, who first came to this part of the world in 1933. She talks about how the village has changed, her experience of the war and the village mole catcher!
The sound can take up to 30 seconds to fully load. Please do bear with it!
I moved to Yealand Redmayne in 1979 and met Robin in the early 1980’S. Redmayne still had a shop and the joint village sunday school was held in the old Quaker school. I met Robin in the early 1980’s and I wish i had k own her better but I have always found her very entertaining and incredibly informative about Yealand as it used to be . I seem to remem ber that when the school childen were involved in recreating the Doomsday book in the 1980’s, Robin was a major source of information. It is so sad the technology of computers of that time means that all that information has been lost. Just shows the value of pen and paper.
I would love to hear more of Robin’s recollections, they are brilliant.