Left Hand Down a Bit…
A little while back I spent three nights on a narrowboat. This was to be my introduction to the art of narrow boating: a master class conducted by my old friend and colleague, Gerry Northam. He’s been messing about in boats — and plenty of other places — for longer than most can remember. His choice of headgear (that’s him of the left) gave a clue as to the likely tone and temper of the next two days. I’m the anxious-looking one with the ironic Captain’s hat. To be fair, learning did take place and Gerry really does know which way to swing the tiller. Anyway, as befits two old Radio 4 hands here’s some audio of my early lessons in boatcraft. (NB: this may take a few moments to load)
Gerry and I had a great three days on the Lancaster Canal aboard Rose — a smashing narrowboat supplied by Sylvia Greenwood of Lancaster Boat Hire based at Barton Grange Marina.
Despite running aground once and some distinctly inelegant mooring I learned a great deal from Gerry…more of whose words of wisdom can be heard here. Meanwhile I’m still wondering whether to take the plunge and buy a boat of my own…